To develop and support a new era of mentally, emotionally, and physically well athletes.

How we differ from traditional training 

Our training environment is based on trust between the trainer and each athlete. A deep sense of caring for each athlete and being present distinguish us.


Deep sense of caring

We value relationships with our athletes and care about their development as basketball players and people. Everything we do is about unlocking their potential.

We look at each athlete as an individual. We don’t create clones. We meet them where they are and guide their development in a way that feels authentic and natural to them.

Our training is based on understanding and compassion. We value their voices and opinions, seek to understand the world through their lenses and walk in their shoes to build trust and genuine connection.

Being fully present

What really differentiates this training is that we know athletes communicate at different levels. We prioritize getting to know them so we can communicate better.

Our presence creates an environment for athletes to feel safe and become aware of their own questions and emotions. We help them find answers through active listening and asking helpful questions and feedback.

This understanding accelerates growth and enables athletes to continue developing even after the training ends.

Meet Coach Gaby Moss

Basketball started early for me. While I didn’t start seriously training and playing until 5th grade, I spent many nights watching my dad coach numerous high school, college, and AAU teams. Basketball is literally in my DNA.

During my senior year of high school, I received a full scholarship to Georgia State University to play basketball. After a 3-year stint at the university, I graduated early and took the first opportunity I’d ever had to step away from basketball. I spent a year in California with my brother before the urge to return hit me hard. Fortunately, well within my 5 year eligibility period, I earned another full scholarship to Savannah State University to play my final year of college basketball.

The college experience taught me a lot about myself, the impact of positive and negative cultures, and the hidden parts of DI college basketball that are often swept under the rug. It wasn’t until after my experience that I realized how much support and resources most athletes lacked. Resources that could positively influence their experiences and overall wellbeing.

Why I do what I do

The mission was born from my own personal struggles and began when I was a 14-year old bright-eyed freshman at Junction City High School. After a series of mistakes during practice, my coach told me, “stop trying to be extraordinary, and just be ordinary.” It changed my life. 

Something happens when you realize that the people you look up to and believe in, don’t believe in you. You begin to question yourself. A lack of self-trust is the root cause of low confidence and self-esteem, both of which cause unwellness.

Growing up, I didn't have an identity outside of basketball. My self-worth was tied to every performance. During my college career, I masked depression and anxiety by spending all my free time in the gym. When insomnia kept me up late, I watched film. When I felt worthless after a poor performance, I spent the night at the gym. On the outside, I appeared committed, passionate, and mentally tough–characteristics that are praised in athletes. But on the inside I was scared. Scared of rejection, scared of not being good enough, and ironically, scared of being extraordinary.

I used basketball to avoid those fears until they eventually caught up to me. What once was a source of joy, became a source of pain. I didn’t know how to manage expectations, fears, and disappointment. I know now that the pressure to perform and keep everything together while struggling on the inside is a recipe for unwellness.

It took many years and therapy to recover from the dark road I went down. Per Aspera comes from the Kansas state motto: “Ad Astra Per Aspera”. Latin for "to the stars through difficulty." I learned from my experiences and now teach those tools and lessons to athletes I train now.



Be a student

If you don't understand the game, you will not excel in it.


Focus on the details

The advantages are in the details. Pay attention to them.

Stay curious

We love questions so ask as many as you want.


Confidence comes from doing

Perfection is not welcome. Make mistakes and learn from them.

Be respectful

We won't disrespect you, and we don’t tolerate disrespect.


Own your success

Your success is your responsibility. We’re here to guide you.

Experience the difference for yourself