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Basketball training that builds confidence on and off the court.

Get out of your own way and let your true talent shine.

Does this sound like you?

  • Get frustrated when you don’t make shots and stop shooting during games

  • Hit shots during practice and blowouts but struggle in close games

  • Don’t get a lot of playing time despite being better than teammates that do

  • Shut down, beat yourself up, blow up, or give up when you’re playing poorly

  • Really hard on yourself when you mess up or make mistakes

  • Work hard but feel hopeless because it’s not paying off

  • Hoing through a rough patch and have had a string of “off” games

  • Get nervous before games and play poorly because of anxiety

Helping athletes build or rebuild confidence

Our sessions will push you out of your comfort zone. We get it, making mistakes feels scary and embarrassing. That’s why we invite mistakes and celebrate when we find them. Our training requires you to be honest about what you’re thinking and feeling, and about what’s not working for you. This is the first step towards building confidence.


Confidence comes from doing

We’re willing to bet that you already know what needs work or know that something needs to change. We’ll teach you the foundation then provide guidance and feedback. But it’s that moment when you find a solution or discover what to do differently when you gain a sense of ownership. And when that happens, you’re more likely to stay committed. This is the second step towards building confidence.

We want you to feel responsible for your development, and to realize that you have more power than you think.


Start training and build your confidence


Choose your plan

With your subscription, you pay once a month and can cancel at any time.

Complete onboarding

We’ll identify your goals and create a plan to help you reach them.

Start training

You’ll begin to notice your skills, IQ, and confidence growing during our training.


How training will benefit you


Increase your skillset

We teach the skills and encourage you to create your own masterpiece.

Build your confidence

We embrace mistakes and transform frustration into excitement.

Expand your potential

We highlight areas that you aren’t aware of or want to correct.

Personal training plans

Standard Plan
$250.00 every month

For athletes that want to maintain their skillset while balancing other obligations. Includes one 1-hour session per week with a focus on developing ball-handling, passing on the move, finishing at the basket, shooting, increasing basketball IQ and decision-making.

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Premium Plan
$450.00 every month

For athletes that want to increase their skillset and develop their game to an advanced level. This plan includes two 1- hour sessions per week with a focus on developing footwork, ball manipulation, finishing at the basket, shot versatility, increasing basketball IQ and decision-making.

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